रिक्त पदांसाठी सर्व उमेदवार पात्र

(Last Updated On: February 22, 2018)

onlinelogomaker-122017-2241-9794-140224855.pngआपण 12 डिसेंबर  ते 21 डिसेंबर 2017 दरम्यान आयोजित परीक्षा  MAHA-TAIT 2017 च्या निकालाबद्द्ल उत्सुक आहेत. परंतु गुणवत्ता यादीचा विचार करण्यापूर्वी खालील गोष्टीं आपणास माहित असणे आवश्यक आहे….

All candidates can apply for any vacancy which is to be recruited through MAHA-TAIT 2017

We all are curious about what will be cast wise cut off for MAHA-TAIT exam 2017 conducted between 12 Dec 2017 to 21 Dec 2017. But following are the facts that you should know before thinking of cast wise merit list.

Have you read the GR provided by Maharashtra Government? In the GR these facts are given, but for our reader we would like to elaborate these points in details.

Before going through the details, please read our previous post here

मेरिट लिस्ट असणार नाही तर भरती प्रक्रिया पूर्ण कशी केली जाईल?

वरिल माहिती परवानगी शिवाय वापरने COPYRIGHT ACT नुसार गुन्हा आहे. आपण www.kavachkundale.wordpress.com हे नमुद करून ही माहिती वापरू शकता.

Here are the quick facts about MAHA -TAIT exam 2017

  1. It is already stated in Maharashtra Government GR that merit list will not be published.
  1. Candidates can be recruited as per requirement of that particular organization, but it is mandatory for that organization to recruit the candidates from the TAIT exam only. They can not refuse these candidate and hire as per their choice

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  1. Candidates who have appeared for this exam all are eligible for any vacancy declared by organization, as there is no state level merit list.
  1. So it is difficult to think of cut off for this exam. This will vary time to time and organization to organization.
  1. As per point number two and three, it can be deduced that merit list will be institutional level rather than state level.
  1. Those who selected in one organization can not apply for the another, as the score utilize for one post, it clearly shows that this will remove doubt of multiple selection of same candidate for more than one post.

Hence we can say that we all have equal chances for applying for the post of teacher through MAHA-TAIT exam 2017.

वरिल माहिती परवानगी शिवाय वापरने COPYRIGHT ACT नुसार गुन्हा आहे. आपण www.kavachkundale.wordpress.com हे नमुद करून ही माहिती वापरू शकता.

You can ask your question in our comment box just providing your name.

We are happy to help you. Your opinion/ question can be asked to us by sending email on sbtsurfing@gmail.com (You can ask your question in English, Hindi or Marathi)

आपण फक्त आपले नाव नमुद करुन आपला प्रश्न comment box मध्ये विचारू शकता.आम्हाला आपणास मदत करण्यास आनंद वाटेल.

(आपण आपला प्रश्न इंग्रजी, हिंदी किंवा मराठीत विचारू शकता)


26 thoughts on “रिक्त पदांसाठी सर्व उमेदवार पात्र”


    sir maj ma bed jhalel ahe ma educatio educationala kahi scope ahe kay
    please saga tait madhe kahi sut ahe kay ma educationa la

  2. admin sir, shikshak bharti kab ho jayagi? kyon ki yeh sarkar exam pe exam le rahi hai aur ghoshanay de rahi hai

    1. Mr Ashok if vacancies are 24000 you can hope for best. While as per news only 29000 students are qualified in TET paper first, you will surely get job. Our best wishes with you.

  3. ashok kamble respected sir! my qaulyfication is B.A. Ded TET first paper pass tait score 105 and categary s.c. any chance for teacher post plz tell me sir 0

  4. respected sir ! ashok k. i am b.a. ded tet first paper pass and my tait score is 105 any chance for teacher post plz tell me sir! 0 j 8u

  5. 2014 join zalelya bed padakarita hi pariksha anivarya aahe ka jyana approval aani continuation zale Adel love ghoshit tukdi var 20%madhe nav jahir zale asel tar ..

  6. Sir 2017 मध्ये ज्यांनी tet दिली त्यांचे प्राणपत्र अजूनही मिळायचे आहेत पण result मात्र लागला आहे । तर तत्यांनी भरतीच्या वेळेस result दाखवला तर चालेल का कि त्यांना प्रमाणपत्र दाखवावं लागेल

    1. Dear Piyush,
      ह्या प्रक्रिये अगोदरच प्रमाणपत्र तुमच्या हातात असेल.
      हया आणि अश्या इतर updates साठी आम्हाला follow करा.

  7. Sir but what about English medium ded tet pass out candidate’s they will get 20 percent reservation in vacancies in all privet institution please explain sir??????????

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